REALTOR Application

NOTE: Beginning January 1, 2025 ALL membership applications will include a one-time $50.00 application fee regardless of any previous REALTOR membership status.
Applications submitted after January 31st will pay pro-rated dues for the appropriate month. Click here for the dues table.
An invoice will be emailed with your appropriate dues amount after your application is processed. If you are currently a member of a board or association you will not owe the State and National dues portions. To expedite the processing of your application and invoice, please email a Letter of Good Standing from your current board or association stating those dues were already paid.
A $50 application fee will be applied if you have never been a REALTOR member before.
FYI... 2025 renewal invoices will be sent on August 30th. You will have until October 31st to pay without a late fee and until December 31st to pay and maintain an active membership. This applies to ALL active members regardless of your 2024 join date.